[AIChE] Present Research at Stevens Conference April 14

dmontei2 dmontei2 at stevens.edu
Wed Mar 28 14:04:52 EDT 2012

Hey everyone,

I just wanted to remind you that if you are interested in presenting a 
research poster or PowerPoint at the 2012 AIChE Mid-Atlantic Regional 
Student Conference, you should let me know by April 1. The deadline to 
submit an abstract is April 5.

I strongly encourage you to present - it's an opportunity to network, 
it's good public speaking practice, and it looks good for our AIChE 
chapter, our department, and Stevens as a whole to have undergraduates 
involved in quality research projects. If you'd like more information, 
feel free to ask. Below are some guidelines regarding the competitions 
if you're interested:


Yours in Chemical Engineering,

Dave Monteiro
Senior VP, Stevens AIChE

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