[AIChE] Luncheon and Dinner Networking Events

Owen Jappen ojappen at stevens.edu
Thu Sep 6 10:42:26 EDT 2012


We are invited to two networking events in the coming weeks:

The first being next Wednesday from 5:30 - 8 in downtown Manhattan
with the Metro
NY Section of AIChE <http://www.aiche-metrony.org/Sep12/Regis.html>.  Click
the hyperlink to register (registration is free, but they require a
headcount).  Registration ends *TOMORROW* so be swift in your action!
 Email me back so I can compile a list to head over together.

On the 19th there is a luncheon (11:30 - 1) at The Yale Club in uptown
Manhattan with the Societe de Chimie Industrielle <http://www.societe.org/>.
 To register for that event, email me by next Thursday (13th).

Both events will be attended by well seasoned professionals and come
equipped with meals.  Hope you can make it!

Lastly, cancellation of the club fair yesterday has disrupted the calendar
for the semester -- so please fill out this
poll<http://www.doodle.com/tqu2xk3h92x7rafu#table>for when you would
be available to attend a meet and greet with ChE dept

Happy Thursday!
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