[AIChE] Meeting Summary

Owen Jappen ojappen at stevens.edu
Tue Sep 18 12:13:43 EDT 2012

Hey All!
Below are the main things discussed at last night's meeting.  Hope to see
you at some of them!

ChE Car
Meetings Monday at 4pm.  Meet in Burchard lobby.  Email
jwright at stevens.edufor more information

Yale Club Luncheons
3rd Wednesday of every month.  Excellent networking event with well
seasoned professionals.  Keep an eye open for registration each month.
(Free for students).

AIChE Metro Section Dinners
2nd Tuesday of every month.  Also good networking opportunities with
professionals.  Look out for registration next month,

ChE Quiz Bowl - 10/9
Stevens vs. NJIT vs. Rutgers vs. Princeton
Look out for sign ups in the coming weeks.  Must reclaim title over Rutgers!

ChE Dept BBQ - 9/28 - 12 - 3 (Change to 1 - 4?)
RSVP to fflaniga at stevens.edu -- meet professors and ChE students of all
years.  Learn about the AIChE program and opportunities!

Mole Day - 10/23
Jacobus lounge @ 9pm -- pools of non-newtonian fluid!  Toast the mole!
 More info to follow.

General Body Meetings will fall on Monday nights @ 9 in McLean 04 (basement)

Ideas for new events -- email aiche at stevens.edu !
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