[AIChE] - Société de Chimie - Yale Club Conference

Palash Mehta pmehta8 at stevens.edu
Wed Dec 10 11:46:33 EST 2014

Hey everyone,

Next *Wednesday (December 17th), from 11:30 AM to 2:00PM*, there is another
Yale Club convention in the city. If you are free, don't have finals in the
morning/afternoon, and/or haven't gone home, please try to come.


The topic for this month's discussion will be Contemplating Long Term
Chemical Industry Evolution.

If you wish to come, please tell one of our executive e-board members,
email me (pmehta8 at stevens.edu) personally, or email the AIChE e-board (
aiche at stevens.edu). Note that this is a Business Formal event, and as such
this attire should be respected. They will be serving all guests a 5 star
lunch. Plus this event is a networking event - those looking for
internships or full time offers, this is a good opportunity for you to talk
and meet people.

Any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact us!

Good luck on all your finals!

Palash Mehta
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