[AIChE] GBM #2 Minutes and Event Registration (reply to register)

Alan Rempel arempel at stevens.edu
Thu Oct 22 12:18:43 EDT 2015

October 22nd, 2015 - AIChE GBM #2

Upcoming Events (reply with interest):

   - YPC Happy Hour - 10/29 at 6PM in Morristown. Meet (and drink with)
   local chemEs under 35. Reply if interested and we'll try to get drivers.
   Free apps.

   - YPC October Chapter Meeting - 10/27 at 5:30PM in Chatham. Network and
   listen to speakers on process safety management and Workplace Health
   Without Borders. Register online http://www.ahmpnj.org/event-1874934,
   but let me know if you're planning to attend and we'll organize drivers.

   - Sun Chemical Speaker - 11/4 at 2:30PM at NJIT (Tiernan 411B). Listen
   to a talk from Sun Chemical's head of R&D, Richard Durand, and meet fellow
   chemE students. Reply to register. Not sure on cost; NJIT is asking us to
   pay for our own lunch.

   - Chem Show - 11/17, 11/18, and 11/19 10AM-5PM in the Javits Center
   (Manhattan). A technical expo offering free seminars on chemical
   engineering techniques and demonstrations of equipment and process
   technologies. If you can't go to the National Conference, this is the next
   best thing. Registration is free here: http://www.chemshow.com/.

   - Mole Day - Tomorrow at 4PM on Morton Lawn. Launch CO2 rockets, play
   with magnets, and float boats on air.

Relay for Life:

   - American Cancer Society's annual fundraising + celebration event
   - All-night relay + entertainment next semester
   - AIChE has a team, join here: http://www.relayforlife.org/stevensnj
   - Goal is to raise $1000

Omega Chi Epsilon (OXE):

   - Chemical Engineering Honor Society promoting Recognition,
   Investigation, Service, Comradeship, and Professionalism
   - Seeking founding class - IT COULD BE YOU
   - Requirements:
      - Juniors - 3.25 GPA
      - Seniors - 3.0 GPA
      - Graduates - 3.5 GPA
      - 8hrs community service + 2hrs department service per semester
   - Immediate goals include alumni networking, STEM outreach, and
   expanding peer mentorship
   - Contact Raul Letona (rletona at stevens.edu) with interest in membership
   or for more information

Next Chem-E-Car meeting is tonight at 7PM in X004 - drop in if you're

Outcomes in ChemE:

   - Students presented their work experiences in industry or research
   - Speakers
      - Danielle Caruso and Rowena Dolot - Hydrogenation research w/ Dr.
      - Danielle Zibrin - very extensive coop experience including supply
      chain management, analysis, and a lot of other things.
      - Tommy Wolinski - summer internships with Linde, a gas products
   - We will probably do this at every GBM - many found it interesting

Meeting Adjourned + Club picture
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