[AIChE] Reminder: North NJ YPC Happy Hour Tomorrow

Alan Rempel arempel at stevens.edu
Wed Oct 28 17:40:09 EDT 2015


The Young Professionals Committee of North NJ is hosting a happy hour
tomorrow in Morristown, NJ, starting at 6PM. Socialize and drink (if 21+)
with local chemical engineering professionals under 35 in the Famished
Frog. If you're interested in staying involved in AIChE after graduation,
the YPC is a great place to start.

A few people are interested and we're looking for a driver. If you're
interested in attending the event and are willing to drive there, please
let me know by tomorrow morning. We'll work around your schedule.

Address: 18 Washington St, Morristown, New Jersey 07960


Alan Rempel
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