[AIChE] GBM 2 Minutes

Russell Bechmann rbechman at stevens.edu
Thu Mar 10 09:52:41 EST 2016

Hi ChemEs,
Thank you to all who came out to the meeting yesterday! The minutes for the
meeting are below:

*Current Outcomes in ChemE*

   - Luke Malvey gave a presentation on Home Beer brewing. It is attached
   if you are interested. If you do this, please don't drink the yeast. Ask
   Vinny why.
   - If anyone else is interested in presenting their chemE related hobby
   or internship experience at future meetings, please contact Alan.

*Upcoming Events*

   - *“Chemistry of Cosmetics” talk *by Pete Sibilski will be on march 16th
   at 6PM in B118. This will be followed by a panel of recent local alumni
   from Stevens and NJIT. There will be* FREE FOOD.*
   - *Speaker from Sun Chemical* on March 30th at 2:30PM at NJIT with
   possible OXE mixer after. please email aiche at stevens.edu if you are
   - *Earth day* is on April 22nd. We will be making Liquid Nitrogen Ice
   - *Bottle Rocket launch* will happen sometime later in the semester.
   More details to come.
   - *North NJ Section dinner meeting *will be 3/15 at 6PM. RSVP here
   <https://orgsync.com/48025/events/1405481/occurrences/3189064>by 3/11 if
   you plan to attend. *FREE FOOD.*
   - *Societe di Chimie Luncheon* will be on 3/16 at 11:30AM. RSVP here
   <https://orgsync.com/48025/events/1412323/occurrences/3203149> by 3/11
   if you plan to attend. *FREE FOOD.*
   - *Metro NY Section Dinner* will be on 3/21 at 5:30PM. RSVP here
   <https://orgsync.com/48025/events/1412338/occurrences/3203164> by 3/11
   if you plan to attend. *FREE FOOD.*
   - *Relay For Life *will be on Saturday April 30th, 12PM-12AM. Please
   consider donating to the AIChE team! You can donate directly to our team
   All of the money raised goes to the American Cancer Society. We will have a
   booth at Relay where we will do the elephant toothpaste reaction and other
   entertaining reactions. Please email aiche at stevens.edu if you are
   interested in participating.


   - *Elections* will be March 30th at the next GBM
   - Nominees for president and treasurer will have to have been members
   for at least 1 year
   - The nominations from the meeting are listed below. If you have been
   nominated and would like to decline the nomination, please email
   aiche at stevens.edu
   - If you would like to nominate anyone, please do so here
   - Nominations:
   - President:
         - Alan Rempel
         - Nick Gural
      - Vice President
         - Luke Malvey
         - Steve Bosomworth
         - Vii Nayak
      - Secretary
         - Noelle Cafone
      - Treasurer
         - Danielle Caruso
         - Ryan DeFelice

*Conclusion and future planning*

   - We are interested in doing an AIChE bowling night or other social
   event. Please let us know if you are interested in helping or if you have
   any other ideas(preferably that don't involve alcohol becuase that's
   frowned upon for some reason)
   - We are looking to add another plant tour for the spring. If you have
   any suggestions or want to contact a company to set one up, please let us
   know. Potential companies are Pepsi, Pfizer, Eli Lilly - Tommy will
   contact, Breweries, Kraft plant(currently under construction), IFF(they may
   have presentations they can give too), L’Oreal and Clark.


Russell Bechmann
*Secretary, AIChE*
*Stevens Institute of Technology*
*BE Chemical Engineering '17*
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