[AIChE] Election Results and AIChE Happy Hour

Russell Bechmann rbechman at stevens.edu
Thu Mar 31 09:09:33 EDT 2016

Hi ChemEs!

Please congratulate your new Eboard...

*President* - *Nick Gural*
*Vice President* - *Alan Rempel*
*Secretary* - *Noelle Cafone*
*Treasurer* - *Luke Malvey*

..and your new Minor Board...

*ChemE Car Chair* - *Steve Bosomworth*
*Publicity Chair* - *Russell Bechmann*

We all look forward to working with you over the next year.

If anyone is interested, there is an AIChE YPC Happy hour tonight 5:30-7:30
at the Zeppelin Hall Biergarten in Jersey City. It's a great way to meet
young professionals in the ChemE industry and I encourage everyone to
attend. CHeck out the facebook event for more info:


Russell Bechmann
*Stevens Institute of Technology*
*BE Chemical Engineering '17*
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