[AnimeClub] [Le Chevalier D'Eon]

Miguel Roberto Melendez rmelende at stevens.edu
Thu Jan 24 15:56:47 EST 2008

Welcome back my minions,

I hope you faired well this passed week. For those of you that weren't 
able to come last week, we are going to show Le Chevalier D'Eon. I 
trilling tale of murder, revenge and a little Bridget =P. These are the 
days when "King Louis XV ruled... Versailles shone in all its glory, 
and upon the course of the Seine, flourished the city of Paris, 
pervaded by beauty and chaos." 

So as always please join us Friday 25th at 9:00pm in B118 to eat your 
snacks while the vampires drink your blood. muah ha ha.

Miguel Melendez

P.S. Also keep in mind our Castle Point Anime Convention planning 
meeting is coming up. Come even if you don't know what exactly you want 
to do, more staffers are always welcomed.

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