[AnimeClub] Anime Club we've got MORE GIANT ROBOTS

Vincent vlipoma at stevens.edu
Wed Jun 24 15:45:46 EDT 2009

Greetings fellow Otaku,

It is with great pleasure that I announce our next showing: VANDREAD, a 
scifi space opera with giant robots. Did I mention the robots are in 
space? And there's a giant starship that fires lasers? And crazy evil 
aliens that are up to... um... evil?

But wait! There's also character development and a plot so out of this 
world the genre had to be science fiction!

So, if you want to have fun watching anime (or couldn't get your mech 
fix from the new transformers movie) come on down to B118 at 9:15 for 
the usual anime viewing and associated peanut gallery comments.

Giant robots > Zombie hoard,
-Vincent, Secretary

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