[AnimeClub] Anime Club is celebrating Matrica... matricu... mat... that thing!

Vinny vlipoma at stevens.edu
Fri Sep 4 04:24:26 EDT 2009

Greetings fellow Otaku,

It is with great pleasure that I announce anime club's FIRST MEETING OF 
THE SEMESTER tomorrow (or today rather), Friday the 4th, at 9:00PM in 
B118. The schedule for tonight? Matri... matruc... macross... 
matricula... that thing! with the voting!

Oh yes, matriculation!

Yes that's right tonight we are going to show off all our shows for the 
semester with first episode previews followed by a vote for our 3 week 
showing. This year's competitors: Higurashi [When they Cry], 
Argentosoma, and Trigun!

As for our 2 week showing, the competitors are Record of Lodoss War and 

See you at club for cake!
-Vinny, secretary.

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