[AnimeClub] Get ready for ACTION

cbowers at stevens.edu cbowers at stevens.edu
Thu Apr 7 18:10:00 EDT 2011

 Greetings, Anime Fans,

 This Friday, April 8th will be our first showing of BLACK LAGOON! Black
Lagoon follows the story of a Japanese businessman who joins a crew of
mercenaries after they kidnap him. It's sure to be action packed, and a
complete reversal from last week's Kamichu. It also should not be confused
with the 1954 monster film, Creature from the Black Lagoon.

 This week's showing will be a short one, as we have our annual
convention, CPAC, to prepare for. We'll be stuffing bags and preparing
various other things after the showing, so be prepared to help out.

 Join us for a night of action-packed anime and action-packed bag-stuffing
on Friday, April 8th at 9 PM in Burchard 118.

 See you there,
 Chris Bowers
 Not Gill-Man

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