[AnimeClub] No club meeting? My life is a lie!

cbowers at stevens.edu cbowers at stevens.edu
Thu Apr 21 14:15:34 EDT 2011

 Salutatory remarks,

 This week we will have no Anime Club meeting, due to Good Friday. Though,
how any Friday without anime can be good is beyond me. Next week, however,
we will be marathoning all 12 episodes of the second season of Black

 In addition, we will be taking a trip up to the Brooklyn Botanical
Gardens for Sakura Matsuri, the cherry blossom festival. The trip will be
on Saturday, April 30th, and we'll meet at 10 AM in the Burchard lobby.
It's sure to be exciting.

 Enjoy the holiday,
 Chris Bowers
 "Beta Chris"

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