[AnimeClub] Kaze no Shiggy Diggy: Le Finale

Evan Lewis mushroom3691 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 6 13:15:27 EST 2012

Dear Princess Celestia,
    Hey everyone! This is our final official showing of the semester! (Our
penultimate meeting). Id put a summary but if you really care about this
showing (which I cant say that I do) youll show up at 9PM This Friday
12/7/12 in B118 for snacks, drinks, anime and apathy.
Also in the news, we have our final CPAC meeting of the semester this
Sunday 12/9/12 in BC122 at 3PM. Please come because we still have positions
to be filled! Thats all I got, I'm too stressed to put anything witty. Deal
with it.

Your faithful Student
-Twilight Sparkle Evan Lewis, Whats the Deal with Ethene? Pony
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