[AnimeClub] E-board Nominations & Earlier and Later, Closer and Farther: Part 2

The Anime Club's Mailing List. E-mail anime@stevens.edu if you are interested or have questions. animeclub at lists.stevens.edu
Fri Feb 27 12:04:11 EST 2015

Hello everybody,

As usual, this *Friday (tonight) in B118 at 9pm* we will be showing part
2 of Now and Then: Here and There. There will be pizza and cake (there
won't be pizza and cake). Make sure to come on out!

Also, unified elections is approaching. *Nominations are from March 10
to March 17.* If you want to nominate yourself or somebody else for a
position, email anime at stevens.edu. *Elections will be on March 27.*

A quick description of the positions:

  * _President_: Runs the club and the convention, including organizing
    all other duties, acting as the club's representative to other
    organizations and the Stevens administration.
  * _Vice-President_: The line-producer, so to say, of the Anime Club
    production. Oversees day-to-day operations of the club and assists
    with making sure everybody else does their job.
  * _Secretary_: Sends out the club email, and any general
    convention-related emails that do not fall under another department.
    Also takes minutes and manages the list of tasks that needs to be done.
  * _Treasurer_: Manages the convention's budget, and submits our club
    budget to the SGA. Carries out all purchases for the club and makes
    sure we are financially stable.

If you want to know more about these positions, just ask anybody on
e-board, either in person or over email.

See you Friday!
Tyler Romeo
Anime Club President

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