[ConcertBand] REMINDER: Open Mic Invitation

David J Zimmerman dzimmerm at stevens.edu
Mon Dec 7 13:24:52 EST 2020

Hi Everyone,
We are still taking submissions for the Open Mic on Saturday. See below for details.
If you cannot get the video in by Wednesday, just let me know so we'll reserve a spot for you. Also, this does not have to be holiday songs - you can submit anything. And, if you need any piano tracks, let me know and I can record them for you.

DeBaun PAC presents a VIRTUAL OPEN MIC celebrating the holidays on Saturday, December 12 at 4pm.

We are looking for performers to:
- Choose an act to perform (preferably for the holidays, but not mandatory!)
- You can sing, dance, act, read, etc. for your act - almost anything!
- Keep the act to 4 minutes or under
- Record your act and upload your video to Dropbox (link below)
- Deadline for submission is Wed, Dec 9

The virtual performance will be hosted by Linda Vollkommer and Dave Zimmerman, on Zoom at 4pm on December 12th (link to follow).

This is open to anyone Stevens affiliated (students, staff, faculty, alumni, relatives, pets, etc.) AND, if you are interested in performing and don't know what to do....Dave has offered to record songs on the piano that you can use, and he has holiday readings just begging for an actor to read them.

The link to upload your files is: https://www.dropbox.com/request/2u3PNRPEhRgDATnDR3d4

Questions or requests of Dave Zimmerman can be emailed to dzimmerm at stevens.edu<mailto:dzimmerm at stevens.edu> or dzimmy86 at gmail.com<mailto:dzimmy86 at gmail.com>

We hope you will join us - both by performing and virtually in the audience - to celebrate the holiday season!


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