[cs615asa] Meetup Summary

Yuan Ren yren14 at stevens.edu
Thu May 3 22:58:10 EDT 2018

I attended “Multi-host, Multi-network and containers ” meet up this
Links: https://www.meetup.com/DevOpsContained/events/249268845/
The main topic is databases and containers from development to deployment.

The speaker talked about the Aerospike database used in Containers.
What they had handled is :
1. Data redundancy
    Automatic Replication of Data to "n" nodes
2. Database Self Discovery & Cluster formation
    Shared nothing architecture-all nodes equal
3. DatabseSelf healing
    automatic hashing of keys across the cluster
    RIPEMD-160 collision free algorithm with smart partitions
4. Application Tier discovery of Database Cluster
    automated cluster doscovery with smart client
    built-in random load balancing
They are containers for Encapsulation, Deployment and Isolation. And their
database for Persistent, Scalable and Self-organization.
But this container product still has some situations need to be prove:
1.  Is docker ecesssary if you already require VMs
2.  Is docker just fixing "DLL Hell" of poor OS implementation
3.  Can Docker manage storage
4.   Is Docker+Virtualization better than Virtualization alone?

Then the topic is about the NoSQL used in their database system. There are
two advantages to use NoSQL for them:
1. speed
    flash/SSD optimized
    primaru index in DRAM
2. scale
     RIPE MD 160 Hashing & Partitioning
     Dynamically Add/Remove node
     Auto Rebalance
     Auto Heal
But what the inside or outside the container?
     encapsulation of concerns
     separation of concerns
     storafe features(e.g. snapshots)
Data container:
     Managed like other containers
     special rules for Destruction
     TBD: performance

Finally, we also discussed about the Clustering:
Multiple DNS entries:
    1. one per container
    2. start the container with its DNS name
    3. Clients know a few well known DNS names
Single DNS entry:
    1. new servers update the DNS entry
    2. Swarm, consul route53
    3. avoid IP reuse

The speaker also give us the source code demo about the database container.
We realized that the virtualization pretty useful and popular. There would
be different virtual network in each containers, but the customer would
feel they got their own server.

Above are all my meet up summary. Learnt a lot.
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