[cs615asa] mounting volumes

Mark Freeman mfreema1 at stevens.edu
Sun Feb 16 12:56:09 EST 2020

Hi Elliot,

I believe there is a block device mapping that occurs, which differs based
on AMI.  So even if you specify to mount at /dev/sda3, that gets mapped to
somewhere else.

Have you checked on the instance using dmesg?  That usually gives a
notification of where it mapped into.

If that doesn't work, perhaps try specifying a different --device mount
point when attaching the volume.  Say /dev/sdh or something like that?

Not sure if this helps your situation, but figured I'd chime in.


On Sun, Feb 16, 2020, 12:48 PM Elliot Wasem <ewasem at stevens.edu> wrote:

> Hey all,
> I feel like I'm losing my mind here, but I can't find a volume once it's
> mounted.
> I've started a netbsd instance, created a volume, and mount it to
> /dev/sda3. It successfully mounts, and all flags indicate it's attached
> (both describe-volume from cli interface, as well as the GUI on aws
> console). However, I can't find the stinking device when I look inside
> /dev. Anyone know what it should be called?
> Best,
> Elliot Wasem
> https://elliotwasem.xyz
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