[cs615asa] NetBSD EC2 not working?

Elliot Wasem ewasem at stevens.edu
Tue Jan 28 13:02:50 EST 2020

Hey Jan,

I was thinking that, but looking at the listing for the t1.micro, under heading "Processor architecture" it says "64-bit (x86), 32-bit (x86)", so for all intents and purposes it should be working. It can't be that I'm running too slim resources as I tried a bulkier machine (64-bit x86 only) with the 64-bit ami, and it was still failing. Just to make sure I had permissions on things, I gave Ubuntu 18.04 Server ami a shot where everything else was the same on the instance configuration, and it still failed.
My only other thought is that perhaps since I have an AWS Educate account, I'm not allowed to use community images? I'm going to email aws support and see if they can help. I'll post the results here so if anyone else has the same issues they can reference my solution.
Elliot Wasem

On Jan 28 2020, at 10:44 am, Jan Schaumann <jschauma at stevens.edu> wrote:
> Elliot Wasem <ewasem at stevens.edu> wrote:
> > $ aws ec2 run-instances --image-id ami-bc8fc8d6 --key-name winterstorm --instance-type t1.micro --block-device-mappings DeviceName=/dev/sdh,Ebs={VolumeSize=30} --count 1
> > "ImageId": "ami-bc8fc8d6",
> > "InstanceType": "t1.micro",
> > "Architecture": "x86_64",
> The image you're launching is x86_64, but t1.micro
> instances are (I believe) i386 only.
> Try launching either an i386 AMI or use a different
> instance-type.
> -Jan
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