[cs631apue] final project grades

Jan Schaumann jschauma at stevens.edu
Fri Dec 23 00:19:47 EST 2011


I've just sent out the final project grades.  I saw a lot of improvement
in the submitted code and hope you guys learned a bit about writing a
simple server.  I have but one question:  Why do you not believe me when
I say that malloc(3), for example, can fail?  Most of you _still_ make
calls to functions that may fail without checking the return code.  I'll
have to repeat this point even further in coming semesters, it seems.

Anyway, you should now have all the points and be able to calculate your
final grade for this semester.  I will do the same tomorrow and, after
consideration of your overall progress, hand in the letter grades at
some point during the day tomorrow.

I hope you enjoyed the class.

Happy holidays and a happy new year!

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