[cs631apue] Question about CGI

Chao Cui ccui1 at stevens.edu
Tue Dec 11 23:11:18 EST 2012

$ pwd
$ sws -c ./sws/cgi-bin ./sws

HTTP request       absolute pathname
/                   /home/jschauma/sws/index.html (or directory listing)
/cgi-bin/foo        /home/jschauma/sws/cgi-bin/foo

Above is a example you gave to us.

For your information in response, The second request /cig-bin/foo is not
the same as the path which is /sws/cgi-bin specified after -c flag.
So we treat the second request as a normal request even though it is under
home/jschauma/sws/cgi-bin/ (the CGI directory)?


2012/12/11 Jan Schaumann <jschauma at stevens.edu>

> ccui1 <ccui1 at stevens.edu> wrote:
> > We run the server like ./sws -c ./usr/cgi_bin ./usr/htdocs
> > (1) Assume we both have ./usr/cgi_bin/foo and ./usr/htdocs/cgi_bin/foo
> > These are two different files with the same name.
> > One is under cgi_root, the other is under server root.
> >
> > Now a quest like GET /cgi_bin/foo come to the server.
> > How can we handle this request? We process it as a cgi request or a
> > normal request?
> The "-c" flag specified that content found by the name "./usr/cgi_bin"
> under the document root would be served as a CGI.  That is, if a request
> comes for:
> GET /usr/cgi_bin/foo HTTP/1.0
> ...then you would serve it as a CGI.
> A request for
> GET /cgi_bin/foo HTTP/1.0
> would be served as a regular file, since "/cgi_bin/" is not the same as
> "/usr/cgi_bin".
> > If we run the server like ./sws -c ./usr/cgi/test ./usr/htdocs
> >
> > Now the cgi root is ./usr/cgi/test.
> >
> > What kind of request is regarded as a CGI request?
> GET /usr/cgi/test/foo HTTP/1.0
> would be treated as a CGI.
> > Do we need to force that a request staring with a /cgi_bin/ is a CGI
> > request?
> No.  Only requests starting with the string given to the '-c' flag
> relative to the document root are treated as CGIs.
> Now we _could_ also stipulate that *if* the '-c' flag specifies a
> directory outside of the document root, then any request for
> "/cgi-bin/foo" would be translated to that path.
> If you choose to implement this, then that's fine, too.
> > If the cgi root is ./usr/cgi/test/
> > The request is GET /cgi_bin/dir/subdir/file HTTP/1.0.
> > We finally regard the request as ./usr/cgi/test/dir/subdir/file.
> No, that is not what the manual page says.
> > If this is the case, what if there are the same path and files under
> > both CGI root and the server root. Which one will be used?
> A request matching a CGI path will take precedence.
> > (2)Will the -l and -d options override each other?
> > If both of these two flags are given, which one will effect the server?
> The two are independent.  "-d" enables logging of all system events to
> stdout.  That is, wherever you've used syslog(3) to log events
> previously, you now log those messages to stdout.  This does not
> constitute request logging, which is what '-l' enables.
> The reason for this is that the debugging mode is supposed to be useful:
> you want to see debugging information while running the server in the
> foreground, but you do not need to see all requests being logged (on a
> normal web server, that would be hundreds per second) -- those should go
> to a file and are logged without syslog(3).
> -Jan
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