[cs631apue] Final Exam question 11

Ken Bodzak kbodzak at stevens.edu
Mon Dec 17 21:59:12 EST 2012

I know it is after the 24 hour period however I think that there may be an
error in question 11:

11) 4 points

 Consider the following files and commands executed:
> $whoami
> $ ls -l file1 file2
> --w-rw-r-x  1 bob     wheel  4 Dec 13 18:12 file1
> --w-rw-r-x  1 susan   wheel  4 Dec 13 18:12 file2
> $ cat bob
> cat: file1: Permission denied
> $ su - susan
> Password:
> $ whoami
> susan
> $ cat file2
> foo
> $
>     (a) Explain why 'bob' cannot read file1.
>     (b) Explain why 'susan' can read file2.
> bob

There is:
$cat bob
cat: file1: Permission denied.

Which doesn't really make sense since cat was called on bob, not file1.
Maybe I am misunderstanding the question, but I think there is something
wrong with the question.

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