[cs631apue] Final Exam Solutions

Jan Schaumann jschauma at stevens.edu
Mon Dec 24 10:34:50 EST 2012


I've just posted solutions to the final exam:

I will be sending out your grades for the final exam in a few minutes,
followed by your final course grades.

Note that I have decided to grade HW#5 out of 30 points, but the final
course grade will still be given out of a possible 500 points (not 510).
In other words, you all got ten points for free.

This concludes our semester, albeit very late.  I hope you all learned a
few things and enjoyed the class.  If you did, and you are taking other
classes next semester, I'm offering a class in System Administration,
which you may find of interest:

For those of you graduating: congratulations and all the best in your

Happy holidays,

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