[cs631apue] HW#3

Jan Schaumann jschauma at stevens.edu
Sat Nov 10 11:01:09 EST 2012


I've just sent out grades for HW#3.  I have also graded your midterms,
but grades for the midterm will be sent out at a later point (for
reasons that will become clear on Monday).

In your HW#3, many of you have spent too much attention on the details
of the implementation (such as the naming of variables).  You should try
to read code with a higher level of understanding of the program,
including its execution and implementation.  Process and logic flow are
more important than function names or whether or not structs or enums
are used.

Next time you are reading code, try to infer changes in performance or
execution behaviour, and think about how the tool fits into the OS, if
it entails any surprising options or behaviour for the end user etc.

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