[cs631apue] HTTP Status codes

tparisi tparisi at stevens.edu
Thu Nov 15 13:30:25 EST 2012

I am having trouble implementing all of the HTTP status codes.  Some of 
these codes like 201(created), 202(accepted), 502(Bad Gateway) really 
don't seem to apply here (unless I am missing something which is very 
possible).  The 201 seems like it revolves around a post message which, 
we don't have to implement.   202 seems like it is a message for a state 
of flux in the server so I'm not really sure when this would be sent to 
the client.  502 seems like it is only for servers that are used as 
proxy which this one is not.  Other codes giving me trouble are 
301(Moved Permanently), 302(Moved Temporarily), 300(Multiple Choices) 
and 304 (Not Modified).  How can one tell that a file has been moved to 
give the 301 or 302 status code?

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