[cs631apue] HW5 - The -k option

Ken Bodzak kbodzak at stevens.edu
Wed Nov 28 01:27:58 EST 2012


It was mentioned in class, and in the slides that our bfed programs should
be interchangeable with the corresponding openssl command.

The -K option for openssl  accepts a string of only hexadecimal digits.

The man page for our bfed program implies that our -k option should accept
a character string.

openssl will not accept a string, like "m3i sup4h s3cr3t", for example.

There is also a -k option for openssl that allows a 'password' to be
specified to derive a key from. This would also imply that we must use the
-nosalt option as well. In addition, I believe openssl may derive a key
from this given password in a less-than-obvious way.

Should our assignment accept hexadecimal digits like openssl, or should it
accept a regular character-string and translate that into a usable key
value? (And if so, in what fashion...)

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