[cs631apue] [cs631] Questions about the -h flag and -l and -1

tparisi tparisi at stevens.edu
Thu Oct 4 11:28:39 EDT 2012

Hi Professor,
I have a have a couple of questions.

1. When utilizing the -h flag, the real ls sometimes rounds and 
sometimes displays decimal sizes.  For instance, the size 8582 yields an 
output of 8.4K when it is divided by 1024.  However when 13736 is 
divided by 1024 it yields an answer of 14K when in actuality it yields 
an answer of 13.4.  My question is, is it enough for us to only up the 
size when using the -k and -h flags?

2.  The -l(elle) and -1(one) override each other.  Does this mean that 
the -l(elle) flag means the infomation for the files is to not be 
printed one per line because I see no mention one long listing per file 
per line in the man page.  But the default of the ls is to be one entry 
per line to standard output, so the -1(one) flag can effectively be 
ignored if everything is to be printed to one line regardless if it is 
to a file or to the terminal.


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