[cs631apue] problem about hard link

Jan Schaumann jschauma at stevens.edu
Thu Sep 20 22:02:57 EDT 2012

Jan Schaumann <jschauma at stevens.edu> wrote:
> What system is this on?  Can you copy and paste the exact output of:
> ln file1 file2
> ls -li file[12]
> then make a change to either file using emacs, write and exit emacs,
> then
> ls -li file[12]


On linux-lab.cs.stevens.edu, in your home directory (ie on an NFS shared
system), this is what you're reporting:

$ echo moo > file1
$ ln file1 file2
$ ls -li file[12]
41472 -rw-------+ 2 jschauma professor 4 Sep 20 21:57 file1
41472 -rw-------+ 2 jschauma professor 4 Sep 20 21:57 file2
$ emacs file2 # edit, C-x C-c
$ ls -li file[12]
41472 -rw-------+ 2 jschauma professor 4 Sep 20 21:57 file1
41476 -rw-------+ 1 jschauma professor 9 Sep 20 21:57 file2

That is, emacs writes the file to a temporary location, then renames it,
thus causing a separate copy.

Repeat the same with vi(1) instead of emacs, and you will find the
expected behaviour.

In my opinion, this is incorrect behaviour on emacs's side.


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