[cs631apue] "setfacl: .: Operation not supported" when create git repo

Jan Schaumann jschauma at stevens.edu
Wed Nov 6 22:47:27 EST 2013

hao wu <hwu9 at stevens.edu> wrote:
> 3.nfs4_getfacl config    //fail
> Operation to request attribute not supported.

It appears that the NFS share on which the students' directories are
located does not support ACLs.  I've asked the IT to fix that.  If that
is not possible, I will ask them to create regular Unix groups for each
team.  The earlier I get the team membership, the better.

Finally, I'm also willing to let you host your final project on GitHub
*if* all members of the team are ok with that.  This will require:

- each member to have a GitHub account
- one of the members of the team to start the project
- the other members of the team to fork that project
- all changes to go through the whole pull-request process

This is not as ideal as having a normal shared git repository, which is
why I was hesitant to go down this road.  If your team is ok with that
workflow, though, then we can do that.

In that case, please do make sure that each team member contributes and
that pull-requests are merged in a timely fashion.  I don't want to see
a single gigantic pull-request near the end of the semester with a
message saying "make things work".


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