[cs631apue] question about the final examination?

Jan Schaumann jschauma at stevens.edu
Tue Nov 19 23:36:36 EST 2013

hao wu <hwu9 at stevens.edu> wrote:
> I am wondering if we could bring some printed materials in the final
> examination?

After some consideration, I've decided that you may bring printed
materials or your own notes to the final in addition to the course book.
You may also bring any other books you'd like to bring.

(One exception: You may _not_ bring print outs of the final exams or
quizzes given previously in this class, nor of the solutions to
previously given exams or quizzes.)

You may _not_ use any electronics, however.  That includes mobile

However, a word of warning: the more things you bring, the more likely
you are to waste time and get lost in the materials.  I'm not trying to
trick you, and questions will be reasonable.  Use the materials to
quickly support or confirm what you may think to be the case, but don't
try to learn during the final what you haven't internalized so far.


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