[cs631apue] HTTP 1.1 request fallback?

Paul-Anthony Dudzinski pdudzins at stevens.edu
Sun Nov 24 13:50:20 EST 2013

If the request is valid and HTTP/1.1 you should respond 505. Otherwise you
should respond with 400 for a bad request or 408 if the request times out.
SO assuming index.html exists

GET /index.html HTTP/1.0 --> 200 OK
GET /index.html HTTP/1.1 --> 505 Version Not supported
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx /index.html HTTP/1.1 --> 400 Bad Request


On Sun, Nov 24, 2013 at 11:18 AM, Tejas Nadkarni <tnadkarn at stevens.edu>wrote:

> Since most browsers send HTTP 1.1 requests, although our program doesn't
> support them does it make sense to fallback any HTTP 1.1 requests to HTTP
> 1.0 and just process them?? Right now since we don't support 1.1, if a
> client requests HTTP/1.1 they are given a 505.
> Should we instead just process it or leave it as a 505?
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