[cs631apue] -1 (one) option

Jan Schaumann jschauma at stevens.edu
Thu Oct 16 17:52:19 EDT 2014

"xxu15 at stevens.edu" <xxu15 at stevens.edu> wrote:

> According to the midterm ls requirment, the output is always one entry
> per line, no matter there is or not a -1 (one) option.

The default output is the same as '-1', correct.

However, if you choose to implement the extra credit options '-C' and
'-x', then this changes, and '-C' becomes the default if output goes to
a terminal.  (-1 remains the default for output that does not go to a


P.S.: I noticed that the reference manual page does not actually
document the '-C' and '-x' options.  I've just added those, so please
refresh should you end up working on the extra credit.

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