[cs631apue] final assignment

Jan Schaumann jschauma at stevens.edu
Sun Dec 6 12:09:40 EST 2015


As mentioned, I won't be able to make it to class tomorrow.  We would
have done a full review of the semester; please take the time to go
through the lecture slides on your own:


Hopefully, you will find that many of the things that may have looked
intimidating or complicated at the time now seem much less so.

With everything you have learned in this class, you should be able now
to complete the final project assignment:


Please note that this assignment is done in groups of two.  I'd strongly
recommend working side by side to get some experience in pair
programming.  When you submit your final solution, please make sure to
include in the README who you worked with, how you worked together, and
how you divided the work.

Please do _not_ work on this on your own and then later tell me that you
didn't find a partner.  It is your responsibility to find somebody to
work with from start to finish.

If you have questions, please remember to send them to this list.


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