[cs631apue] groups and git

Jan Schaumann jschauma at stevens.edu
Tue Nov 10 22:23:00 EST 2015


I've just created all groups on cs631apue.netmeister.org and initialized
the git repositories for your use.  Please do the following:

- if you have _still_ not provided me with a public ssh key, then it
  really is about time

- set up your ~/.ssh/config so that you do not need to manually specify
  your ssh key every time:

echo "Host cs631apue.netmeister.org" >> ~/.ssh/config
echo "        IdentityFile    ~/.ssh/cs631apue" >> ~/.ssh/config

- to find out what the group name is that you are a member of, run:

  ssh cs631apue.netmeister.org "groups"

- configure git for your default user:

  git config --global user.email "${USER}@stevens.edu"
  git config --global user.name "$(finger $USER | sed -n -e 's/.*Name: //p')

- clone the git repository for your group name from above (let's say
  your group name is "bacon":

  mkdir apue
  cd apue
  git clone cs631apue.netmeister.org:/usr/local/apue/bacon

- verify that you can commit changes to the repository:

  echo "${USER} can write." >>README
  git commit -m "${USER} was here" README
  git push

If you run into problems, report them here on this mailing list.  The
more details you provide, the easier it will be to help you address

If all goes well, then you can now proceed to import your sources into
this repository.  Please do so early and then work as a team, committing

If you are not familiar with the git revision control system, please do
read up on how to use it for basic code sharing.  Your favorite internet
search engine can surely find some suitable documentation.
https://git-scm.com/ may be a good start.  (And note: this is _not_
"GitHub", which just happens to use git.)

Please also see https://www.cs.stevens.edu/~jschauma/631/git.html for
much of this information as well as some links on how to write
meaningful commit messages.

As mentioned before, your collaboration as a team will factor into your
final grade.  Please make sure that all members of the team are
contributing in equal parts, and please hold each other to high coding,
comment, and commit-message standards.


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