[cs631apue] Question about Assignment "Intro test"

Xiakun Lu xlu9 at stevens.edu
Fri Sep 4 17:23:18 EDT 2015

Hi professor,

I did the assignment “Intro test”, but I am not sure whether you received or not.

You said “You do not need to submit anything”. I read the code of cs631-intro.sh and found this script will submit by mutt. When I tried to send email to myself, I found errors appeared. At the end of mutt command is “>/dev/null 2>&1”, so I changed it to redirect to a file, executed again, and I saw the errors.

At last, I think I fixed the errors and sent the email successfully. Will you reply the email? I know this assignment is not graded, but does it matter if you do not receive the email?

Best Regards,

Xiakun Lu

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