[cs631apue] Question about execvp(3)

bzhang41 bzhang41 at stevens.edu
Fri Dec 16 01:21:02 EST 2016

Dear Prof.

I have a question about the final assignment.

When I tried to implement the -c options,
I try to use fork(3) and then execvp(3),

But I can't get the result as I expected, first argument of the execvp 
needs the
real path of the executable file, and the second  argument of the execvp 
some arguments with type char **.

But the command from -c options doesn't have any arguments
how can I pass a empty char ** to execvp, and let it just executes the
command without any arguments.

Or can I just call system(3) for -c options, I think that's a cheat 
right ?


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