[cs631apue] crysh graded

Jan Schaumann jschauma at stevens.edu
Wed Dec 20 17:38:35 EST 2017


I've just sent out grades for the last assignment.

Some of the commands I used when grading where:

export CRYSH_PASSWORD="bacon"
alias e='openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -md sha1 -pass env:CRYSH_PASSWORD'
echo "date" | e | ./crysh
echo "date; whoami" | e | ./crysh
echo "date; whoami;" | e | ./crysh
echo "ping -c 1 www.yahoo.com" | e | ./crysh
echo "date >/tmp/out; whoami" | e | ./crysh
cat /tmp/out
echo "date >>/tmp/out ; ls -l /nowhere" | e | ./crysh
cat /tmp/out
echo "ls /nowhere 2>/dev/null ; date; whoami;" | e | ./crysh

cat >/tmp/moo <<EOF
#! /bin/sh
echo moo
chmod +rx /tmp/moo

cat >in <<EOF
ls ;
ls >/tmp/out; date;



ping -c 1 www.yahoo.com

</tmp/in e | ./crysh
echo "foo" | ./crysh
echo "Salted__1234567890asd" | ./crysh
export PATH=$PATH:/tmp
echo "moo" | e | ./crysh
echo "ls" | openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -md sha1 | ./crysh | wc -l


You now have all the points for all your assignments.  I will enter the
resulting letter grades later today or tomorrow.


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