[FAST] Spring Cleaning!

Kristina Z. Bolante kbolante at stevens.edu
Wed Mar 11 21:26:27 EDT 2009

Hello FASTers!


Hope you're all enjoying the break, and to all Co-ops hope you're all
enjoying making money!


I know Spring technically hasn't started yet, but now is a great time to do
some Spring cleaning considering most if not all of you are back at home.
This will be the start of our clothing/school supply donation to the
Philippines. Here is a list of what we mainly need: clothes, bags, school
supplies, clean shoes/slippers. Money donation can definitely help, too.


Time to be productive! PLEASE, don't forget to bring these items back to
school. Place them right next to your bookbag or whatever. I'll be
collecting them during our next GBM.


Thanks!! J

Take care,

Kristina Bolante

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