[FAST] Donations

Kristina Z. Bolante kbolante at stevens.edu
Wed Mar 25 08:08:32 EDT 2009

It's not too late to donate!! We need any type of clothing. Some will 
be sent to the PI while others will be donated to St. Lucy's shelter in 
downtown Jersey City.

Due to our last meeting being cut short, we weren't able to talk about 
locations in the PI to send it out to and how it will be shipped. I am 
asking now that you e-mail me:

- a location (address will be needed if chosen)
- to who
- why

Remember, it's NOT for any one specific family. I'll then send out a 
survey with all options, including shipment options.

One option is my Uncle Jr. who is the mayor in our native Cagayan 
Claveria (up north). I know that he will distribute it out to families 
in the community if you choose to send it to him.

If you still have clothes to give, please bring it to this Thursday's 
GBM or contact Armand Reyes @ 718-288-3905 since I'm not on campus.

Now is the time to give!
Kristina B.

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