[FAST] UNITY Practice Tonight!

Ellea Fernando efernan1 at stevens.edu
Thu Apr 8 11:51:15 EDT 2010

Hey Everyone,

As you know, tomorrow is the big day! So that means we'll be practicing real
hard tonight!

Practice will be in *Hayden Lounge* starting at *7:30PM* and ending at a
later time. Please be on time so we can start early! Resist following
Filipino time! When your watch says 7:30pm, make sure your already in

Also, remember to: *Bring your costumes! Bring any props!* We will be
practicing the performance with costume changes this time!


Ellea Micole M. Fernando
Stevens Institute of Technology
Quantitative Finance 2013
FAST Assistant Production Director
FAST Secretary '10-'11
Cell: (848) 203-1987
Box S-0850
efernan1 at stevens.edu
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