[FAST] Minor Board Elections ...update!

Milcah Umali milcumali17 at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 19 13:23:13 EDT 2011

(This is an update.)

Minor Board Elections
to be held during the upcomingGBM (Tuesday, April 19) ....today!

This message contains:
- Minor Board Positions (with short description)
- Nominated - updated
- Notes about the election

Minor Board Positions(with short description)

1.)           Web Chair
a.       To manage FAST website (www.stevens.edu/fast) and notify Eboard of all 
2.)           Historian
a.       To take photos and videos during FAST-related events and collect such 
photos and videos taken by others.
3.)           Public Relations Chair (PR)
a.       To ensure notification of FAST events and activities to Stevens 
Publicity Club and other electronic resources.
4.)           Cultural Chair
a.       To be informed of and report Filipino culture-related news and events 
during formal meetings.
5.)           Alumni Chair
a.       To maintain a record of contact information of alumni and graduating 
FAST seniors and contact information.
6.)           Recruitment Chair
a.       To plan and manage recruiting-related events, including but not limited 
to Stevens club fair, sleeping bag weekends, President's Tea, etc.
7.)           Performance Director (PD)
a.       To plan and organize performances undertaken by FAST.
8.)           Assistant Performance Director (Ass.PD)
a.       To assist the performance director in fulfillment and delegation of 

 ...for more detailed descriptions, read the FAST Constitution on the 

Nominated - updated (WARNING: These names are NOT listed in alphabetical order!)

Rodriguez,   Alden:Web, Ass.PD
De La   Costa, Paul (Polo):Web, PR, PD, Ass.PD, Cult., Alum., Recruit., Hist.
Marcellana,   Ian:Recruit.
Flores,   Gwenn:Web, PR, Cult.
Sasinin,   Lopburi:Web, PR
Bernardo,   Joseph:Web, Cult.
Du,   Kristine:PR, Alum.
Gayanilo,   Steven:PR, PD, Ass.PD, Cult.
Montero,   Vincent:PR, PD, Ass.PD, Cult., Alum., Recruit., Hist.
Payumo,   Joanne:PD
Huang,   Larry:PR, Ass.PD
Pogata,   Cianyl Mae:Recruit.
Gallares,   Neil:Ass.PD, Alum.
Morsy,   Hosam:Ass.PD, Cult., Recruit.
Umali, Milcah:Ass.PD
Ambubuyog,   Janine:Ass.PD, Cult., Alum.
Alicante,   Juan Paolo:Cult., Hist.
Bolante,   Kristina:Alum.
Young,   Justine:Alum., Hist.
Velarde,   Michaelo:Recruit.
Walker, Michael:Ass.PD

Notes about the election

- To  see the CURRENT members of the Minor Board, see the 
website http://www.stevens.edu/fast/theFamily.html
- Nominations are OPEN. Email me if you want to nominate someone.
- Those nominated may DECLINE. Let me know if you want to do so.
- Those who want to run must prepare a SPEECH.
- Those running may speak with the current members to GAIN MORE INFO on the 
positions they are running for.
- I will be sending out one more email with UPDATES on who's  nominated tonight 
(19th, the day of the election).

Milcah Umali
Stevens Institute of Technology 
Chemical Engineering 2015
Stevens Cooperative Education Program
Filipino Association of Stevens Tech (FAST) Elected Secretary 2011-2012
Cell: 201-680-1766
mumali at stevens.edu
milcumali17 at yahoo.com
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