[FAST] Sino Ito 12/11/12

arodrig2 arodrig2 at stevens.edu
Sun Dec 9 19:05:40 EST 2012

Hey Everyone!

Once again, sorry that this is coming to you late (busy week is busy) 
but here are this week's Sino Ito questions!

1) What is the best Christmas gift you have ever gotten?
2) If you could be under a mistletoe with any celebrity, who would it 
be and why?
3) What is your favorite genre of music?
4) If you had to change your major, what would it be and why?
5) If the world ends on December 21st, what would be the last thing you 
would do?

Please send me your answers and a photo of yourself no later than 
tomorrow night!

Thanks and good luck with your studies :)


Alden James D. Rodriguez
Stevens Institute of Technology
Computer Science 2015
FAST Vice President 2012-2013
FAST Web Chair 2011-2012
Cell: (917) 923-4729
arodrig2 at stevens.edu

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