[FAST] Update regarding Showcase. READ ENTIRE MESSAGE

Milcah Umali mumali at stevens.edu
Mon Feb 4 13:20:37 EST 2013

Hello everyone!

So as you may have heard, there is a slight possibility that TECHnique's
Showcase may not be held this semester due to complications with booking a
venue on campus. However, TECHnique is working hard to find a final date
and location so that we can have the event. Actually, they claim that we
WILL DEFINITELY have the Showcase! The expected dates for the Showcase is
March 5, 6, and 7. (Keep in mind, there might be Tech and Dress rehearsals
held on the 5th and 6th, and the Showcase on the 7th.)

With that said, we have less than 4 weeks to practice! Aside from my
contemporary solo, FAST will be doing a hip hop group number. I understand
that we don't have too much time to prep but if we get started as soon as
next week and hold practices consistently, I know we can do it!

*Practices will be held Monday and Tuesday nights from 9-11pm, and possibly
a 1 hour practice on Saturdays or Sundays (whichever will be best for the

I am still down to do this group number with all of you, but I know some of
you may have some second thoughts.

*Soooo if you would STILL like to perform a FAST hip hop group number,
email directly to me at mumali at stevens.edu and let me know!! I am
disregarding all of the previous replies that I received from before.

Thank you thank you,

 *Milcah L. Umali*

Stevens Institute of Technology

Engineering Management 2015

Cooperative Education Program

Filipino Association at Stevens Tech (F.A.S.T.)

Cell: (201) 680-1766

mumali at stevens.edu
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