[FAST] Fwd: Dance Showcase with 5 Elements and FAST!!!

Milcah Umali mumali at stevens.edu
Fri Feb 8 08:38:12 EST 2013

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sean Kelty <bibarrelroll at gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 7:53 PM
Subject: Dance Showcase with 5 Elements and FAST!!!
To: technique at lists.stevens.edu, Julian Colon <julian.e.colon at gmail.com>,
Milcah Umali <mumali at stevens.edu>

Hi Dancers!!!

This semester TECHnique, along with 5 Elements and FAST will be holding the
first ever *DANCE SHOWCASE*!!!!!!!!  It will be held on Thursday, March 7th
at 9pm in DeBaun (Please show up at 8:30 or 8 if you can make it earlier),
with a rehearsal on March 6th (9PM).  Each club will be doing a total of 2
dances that are 5-10 minutes each. We will also have a DANCE
BATTLE/CONTEST, with prizes! Everyone can participate, including the
audience, so make sure your friends know about the event!!!!!!!!!  This
will be the first time in Stevens history that clubs are coming together
solely for dance, and we want to share with everyone the diversity and
entertainment that is dance!!!!!!!!  We also want this event to be
successful so that we can hold it annually in the future, and expand it
even more in years to come to include even more styles and people from
across campus coming together to appreciate dance and have fun!
Check out the event on DuckSync: https://orgsync.com/48184/events/507321

TECHnique will be doing 2 dances - A hip hop dance, taught by our very own
Sean Kelty, and a contemporary/jazz/lyrical dance choreographed by
Stephanie Arouh (me), Allison Outwater, and Caitlin Diffley.

Hip Hop:
Practices will be held *TONIGHT* at 9pm and Saturday at 5pm in the Jacobus
Dance Studio. Contact skelty at stevens.edu with any questions.
The hiphop piece will be a set of 5 songs, a new song each week. So if
you're interested, you can come and learn the dance for that week and
perform that piece if you'd like (It's be cool if you could do as many as
you can though :] )

Starting next week, practices will be held Thursdays (except tonight) at
9:15pm and Weekends (Time TBD) in the Dance Studio. Contact
sarouh at stevens.edu with any questions


Stop by one of the classes being held, learn the combination for the day,
and have fun! There is no obligation to perform, even though we would love
it if you did!!!

********IMPORTANT DATES (for FAST and 5 Elements)************

*Description of your performances* must be in to Robert Gonzalez by the
21st so we'd like you to send them in to technique at stevens.edu by *MONDAY
FEBRUARY 18th* so I can personally give them to Robert.

*YOUR AUDIO FILE *must be in to Robert Gonzalez by the 28th so we'd like to
send them in to the alias ^^^ by *MONDAY FEBRUARY 25th* so I can personally
give Robert a CD with the music.

Otherwise, best of luck preparing for the showcase! Thank you guys again!

If you have any questions, feel free to email us at technique at stevens.edu,
or message us on DuckSync.  Don't forget to join TECHnique on Ducksync and
RSVP to the Dance Showcase event!

Sean Kelty
skelty at stevens.edu
Stevens Institute of Technology
Applied Physics 2015
TECHnique - Artistic Director
APO - Boomslap Chair
Off Center - Keeper of the Scrolls


 *Milcah L. Umali*

Stevens Institute of Technology

Engineering Management 2015

Cooperative Education Program

Filipino Association at Stevens Tech (F.A.S.T.)

Cell: (201) 680-1766

mumali at stevens.edu
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