[genderstudies] Fwd: [bluestockings volunteers] Fwd: Mixed-Race Queer & Feminist Zine - Call for Submissions

Tamar Boodaghians tboodagh at stevens.edu
Thu Dec 13 12:42:02 EST 2012

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Lee Naught <lee at bluestockings.com>
> Date: December 13, 2012 12:31:48 PM EST
> To: bluestockings_volunteers at lists.riseup.net
> Subject: [bluestockings volunteers] Fwd: Mixed-Race Queer & Feminist Zine - Call for Submissions
> Reply-To: bluestockings_volunteers at lists.riseup.net, Lee Naught <lee at bluestockings.com>
> Hey folks!
> I'm (again!) passing along this call for submissions for a zine about mixed-race queer & feminist experience.  Please read on if it sounds like it's something for you!  The deadline is this Saturday, December 15th, but I'm sure we're down to extend the deadline for anyone who needs it -- just shoot us an email (mrqfzine at gmail.com).  And please share the call for submissions with anyone you think might be interested!
> xo,
> Lee
> Mixed-Race Queer & Feminist Zine: Call for Submissions
> Deadline: December 15th, 2012
> Hey, mixed-race folks, how do you respond when you get asked what you are? Do you feel at a loss for words when trying to describe your racial, ethnic, or cultural background? Do you find yourself struggling to understand where you belong in the context of prominent racial paradigms? Do you run into a POC-white binary that is reductive, incomplete, or simply not enough? What does it mean that there often isn’t an easy answer? And what happens when you add gender, feminism, and queerness into the mix?
> Hey, queers and feminists, let’s respond to the lack of representation of mixed-race folks like us.  Yes, we are deeply indebted to the countless beautiful queers and feminists of color who have demanded to be heard; who fight, survive, and die on a daily basis. We are indebted to colonized people and feminists of color around the world and in the states who have taught us that black and brown are beautiful; who have shown us how to act with compassion and love and thoughtful rage in the face of white supremacist violence. This zine is a call to continue this work; to build upon the work of anti-racist and decolonial literature, given the nuances of our lives as mixed-race queers and feminists, so often living on stolen land while refusing to forget the land stolen from our ancestors.
> No doubt, racism against folks of color is fucking real, and those of us who are mixed race and sometimes or always pass as white are much less prone to the multiple forms of violence faced by black and brown folks. However, too often, that’s the end of the conversation. This zine strives to challenge the narrow conception of POC vs white, a binary which doesn’t allow space for many folks’ experiences or for more complex identities (even among POCs and white folks).
> As mixed-raced queers and feminists, we refuse to whitewash our histories. We refuse to label individuals based solely upon our perceptions of their skin color or features. Colonialism attempts to whitewash, erase, assimilate and subjugate through violence and oppression.  We refuse to finish this work. We invite you to collectively participate in this refusal.
> A Working Definition of Mixed-race: While this may not be the perfect term, we are using it to frame a very broad set of experiences and identities, which may include tracing all or part of one’s culture or heritage to brown people and colonized people, inclusive of all skin tones. This may also include being raised with multiple cultures or with immigrant experience.
> Why Queers & Feminists? Not only are we interested in the ways that mixed-race folks’ identities interact with queerness and feminism, but we also believe that it is important to prioritize stories from queers and feminists, whose voices are often marginalized. Moreover, with a topic as broad as race, we want to anchor our discussions in some common politics. This anchor is important because it is a big part of how we (the editors) choose who to organize with, live with, form community with, fuck, and, in this case, write zines with.
> Possible Topics: Privilege. [Not] Passing. Sex, relationships & dating. Conflicting and conflated identities (especially related to race and queerness, transness, feminism, class, dis/ability). The POC/white binary. Cultural appropriation. Structural and institutional oppression. Art, music & creativity. [Not] Belonging. Cultural estrangement. Immigrant experiences. Families & histories. Colonizing processes in family, work, activisms & relationships. Being too brown/not brown enough. Home. Diaspora. Performing identities. Physical manifestations of race, and intersection with other forms of identity and presentation. Preserving and paying respect to heritage & history (eg: interviews, oral histories, folklore). Remembering. Tracing origins and roots. The importance of race/ethnicity/culture to political formation. Mixed-race community. Food & recipes. Remedies. Developing new language(s). Race/religion overlap (and exclusion). And much, much more.
> Media and formats: Poetry, prose, essay, visuals (B&W for zine, possibly color online), audio (for online), interviews, and other formats (pitch them to us!— we’re good catchers).
> Deadline for submissions: December 15th, 2012.  Submit to mrqfzine [at] gmail [dot] com.
> Contact:
> mrqfzine [at] gmail [dot] com
> www.mrqfzine.tumblr.com
> (information about the editors is on tumblr)

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