[Habitat_gb] Habitat eboard nominations

Audra T. Clark aclark at stevens.edu
Fri Mar 27 15:22:07 EDT 2009

Hey guys!

Nominations are open for the Stevens Chapter of Habitat for Humanity. 
This is a great opportunity to get involved on campus and to make a 
huge contribution to the community. You are eligible and encouraged to 
run even if you have not previously been very active in the group. 
Please email me nominations by Monday (and feel free to nominate 
yourself!). A list of the current positions and there descriptions are 
below. I have also listed the current eboard in case you would like to 
contact one of them with questions. 

Look forward to hearing from ya'll! Please email me with any questions!
Audra Clark
President Habitat for Humanity

President: Run general body meetings, run eboard meetings, oversee all 
chapter activities. Current: Audra Clark

Collegiate Challenge Coordinator: Plan, organize, and fund raise for 
the Spring Break Collegiate Challenge trip. 
Current: Nicole Migliore

Building Coordinator: Plan day volunteer build trips to the local NJ 
Habitat build sites.
Current: Audra Clark

Secretary: Take minutes at meetings, maintain email listserv. 
Current: Krishna Amin

Treasurer: Submit budgets, collect receipts and reimburse, maintain 
Current: Mike Naraine

SGA Rep: Attend RSO summits.
Current: Krysten Suarez

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