[KnittingClub] Fwd: Knitting Display

Clara Luneke cluneke at stevens.edu
Thu Feb 28 14:55:34 EST 2013

Hi Knitters!
Red shift is looking for some of the Knitting Club's work to showcase in
their next issue. If you have a piece that you'd like to have featured take
a nice picture of it and send it to Danny Argueta (dargueta at stevens.edu)
along with your name and a short description. Specifically he said it would
be nice to show someone wearing the piece, like you would see in a knitting
magazine. Please clarify in your submission that you're part of the
knitting club and have it sent in by March 18th. Please let me know if you
have any questions.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: dargueta <dargueta at stevens.edu>
Date: Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 9:38 PM
Subject: Knitting Display
To: cluneke at stevens.edu
Cc: Halie J Holmes <hholmes at stevens.edu>

Hi Clara,

I'm the publicity manager for Red Shift, the Stevens creative magazine and
would like to showcase your club's work in the next Redshift magazine.
Ideally, this would include picture(s), along with a descriptive blurb for
each picture,perhaps with your club site web address.

Please feel free to contact me or the Editor Halie Holmes(
hholmes at stevens.edu).

Thank you,
Danny Argueta
Redshift Publicity & Distribution
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