[Redshift] [SGA Announcement] New Email Aliases for SGA and RSO Announcements...and a few announcements - Keep this email!!!

Mike Manzella mmanzell at stevens.edu
Thu Dec 14 23:01:03 EST 2006

Hey everyone,
We have created two new email aliases in order to try and stop the problem
of spam flooding your mailboxes and clubs sending information about their
events to the wrong address.  We hope this will alleviate some of the
The alias I'm using now is  <mailto:sgaannounce at stevens.edu>
sgaannounce at stevens.edu (SGA Announcement).  This is for use by the SGA
Cabinet and only the SGA Cabinet for official SGA announcements, such as
budgets are due, RSO Summit coming up, etc.  You cannot unsubscribe from
this list, as we need to be able to reach everyone when necessary.  This
list replaces  <mailto:sitrso1 at stevens.edu> sitrso1 at stevens.edu.  Do not
send to this list.
The alias  <mailto:rsoannounce at stevens.edu> rsoannounce at stevens.edu (RSO
Announcement) has also been created.  You can use this list to advertise for
your upcoming events or any announcements.  The message will just need to be
approved by someone on the Cabinet, then it will be sent out.  If you would
like to remove yourself from this list, you can go to
<http://lists.stevens.edu> http://lists.stevens.edu and unsubscribe from
RSOAnnounce.  You can also have others subscribe to this list if they would
like, also by visiting  <http://lists.stevens.edu> http://lists.stevens.edu.
If you are going to send announcements to this list, do not just attach a
poster or another email, compose an eye-pleasing email with color, graphics
and pertinent information on it.  This list replaces
<mailto:sgarso at stevens.edu> sgarso at stevens.edu.  Do send to this list.  
Now for the actual announcements...
The university offices will be closed from December 23rd - January 1st.
Therefore, if you have any financial paperwork that needs to be submitted
(i.e. check request, petty cash reimbursements or purchase orders), please
do by Friday, December 15th.

Any questions should be directed to the Student Life Office. Thank you.

Kamal Tamna

Student Life Office

Also, all financial paperwork for the fall of 2006 needs to be in by this
date as well, because fall rollover will be occurring over winter break.

Bruce Jordan

SGA Treasurer


Thanks, and I hope these new lists work out for everyone.

Mike Manzella
SGA Vice President
Stevens Institute of Technology
S-0992 Castle Point on Hudson
Hoboken, NJ 07030
cell: 732-687-9062
mmanzell at stevens.edu
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