[Redshift] Attention Prospective Editors

Frank Riccobono friccobo at stevens.edu
Wed Oct 3 14:38:26 EDT 2007

Anyone who is interested in being an editor for this semester's issue of 
Red Shift is asked to attend an editor's meeting Tomorrow, Thursday, 
October 4th, at 8PM in Tech Lounge (also known as Jonas Lounge).  If 
you've never been there before, the lounge is across from the main door 
that faces Humphreys Hall.

And a reminder for everyone: we are currently accepting submissions to 
the magazine.  The deadline for submissions once again is October 22nd.

As always, if you have any questions or if you cannot attend the meeting 
but would still like to be an editor, please email redshift at stevens.edu.

Thank you.

Frank Riccobono
Secretary, Red Shift

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