[Redshift] General Body Meeting Notice

Frank Riccobono friccobo at stevens.edu
Mon Jan 21 17:29:08 EST 2008

Dear All,

The new semester is upon us and it's time once again for a new issue of 
Red Shift.  We will be holding a meeting this coming Wed. at 1PM in 
Peirce 116 (January 23, not the 20th as the posters say).  We will have 
copies of last spring's Red Shift and this past fall's Red Shift to hand 
out, so be sure to come if you haven't received your copy yet.  Bring 
all your friends and also think about what part you would like to play 
in getting the spring's copy out.  We've talked about holding weekly 
creativity sessions during out meetings and we'll need people to lead 
and participate in them.  We're also looking for folks who:

Can help with the technology side of things, like updating our website

Would like to learn how to do layout (including how to work with Adobe 
Creativity Suite and Photoshop which are both awesome programs)

Are interested in helping plan events like our Open Mic Night

Want to sort through and edit the amazing work we get every semester

And anything else that can add to the magazine and our little creative 

I have heard so many complements on the most recent Red Shift and 
everyone from Dean Nilsen to our SGA e-board to random students in Howe 
think that we've done a great job.  I've said to every one of them: just 
wait and see how the spring issue turns out!'
I hope to see all of you Wed and, as always, if there are any questions 
feel free to e-mail the e-board and I any time you want!


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